I wanted to write a short post about Utah 211, created by United Ways of Utah. United Ways of Utah is a sub group of a larger group called the United Way of America--a large non-profit whose goal it is to help resolve community issues ( see this description on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Way_of_America ). Utah 211 is a service which provides resources to you based on what county you live in. The services range from medical care to employment, and even disability resources.
There are a multiple ways to access this information.
1. Via the website: https://211utah.org/
2. Via the mobile app. The links are below.
3. Via phone--call 211. A representative will direct you where you need to go.
4. Via text--text 898-211 with your question between the hours of 8am-5pm Monday through Friday.
5. Via website chat: (this is available in English and Spanish) https://home-c9.incontact.com/inContact/ChatClient/ChatClientPatron.aspx?poc=caa94d52-3306-47bd-bb37-532347d55bc4&bu=4593926
6. Via email. Click on the email icon on the website: https://211utah.org/
Let me know of your experience using 211!